🤝Hi! I'm Jonathan!

If you landed on this page, you are probably wondering who is this person who claims that he would be able to help me.

I don't take this question for granted. Anyone can call themselves a coach today and promise you “miracle results”.

I was also highly concerned about this when I decided to work helping people.

Would you go to a psychotherapist who says: - "I have plenty of life experience, this is enough to help you."

Of course not! You want to go to a therapist who is thoroughly trained.

In the same way, what makes a good coach is going through a rigorous process of certification!

Coaching is a profession and people must learn the tools and skillsets to be able to support other human beings.

🧙‍♂️My Training as a Coach

What I did to guarantee that I would learn from a respected and serious place was to go to the globally recognized International Coaching Federation (ICF) to find a coaching school. With that, I started my path to be a Professional Certified Coach in the Academy for Coaching Excellence (ACE) at the end of 2019.

ACE is one of the most rigorous and trusted ICF-accredited coach training programs. They are an ICF - Level 2 program.
I automatically fell in love with their methodology and view of the world!

It was a bliss to get the opportunity to be trained by the founder and director of the school, Dr. Maria Nemeth, who is a Master Certified Coach and Ph.D. psychologist with literally decades of experience in human development.

Envisioning a world where the vast majority of people are inspired by the life they are living and can be supported 100% to live by their purpose has always been my dream.

With hundreds of hours of training under my belt and coaching clients since 2020, I can joyfully say that I am moving it one step closer to reality every day.

Ready to start your journey?

My Personal Life

I'm thrilled to share a bit more of my journey and the passions that drive me every day! I’m a Life Coach, graduated in Visual Design, and a Board Member of my family business. I was born and raised in the south of Brazil, in Porto Alegre.

🔮Foundations and Self-Discovery

Growing up, I was fortunate to have a stable financial background, thanks to my family’s hard work in establishing a successful company. This gave me the support I needed for my studies and well-being, but it also left me with some big questions about my path in life.

I felt the weight of this responsibility on my shoulders because I wanted to create a unique journey, not copying what my family did or living by the expectations of others.

Most of my days were spent exploring various spiritual philosophies and diving into my university studies. I was particularly drawn to spiritual themes such as Astrology, Tarot, Meditation, Yôga, Hermetism, Kabballah, etc.

But none of them helped me with the question I had inside my head of what was my purpose in this life and what was I here for.

⛵ Navigating Through Uncertainty

I lacked the self-confidence to move forward with the ideas I believed in, and the spiritual teachings I encountered seemed to tell me to just wait and everything would become clear. But I was anxious for answers. I was moving for things that I “liked”, but never felt a true sense of peace and direction.

I wanted more than just “like” my career and what I did—I wanted to love it and feel a profound connection to it. And there is a huge difference between “liking” and loving something. If you find yourself in doubt, answer your loved one when they say “I love you” with “I like you” and see what happens. 🤣

However, everything changed when I co-founded a startup with 2 other friends. It was a challenging journey. I didn’t believe in the exact contribution I was making with the product and made the decision based on the dream of only financial success. That, unfortunately, led to debt and many questions about my choices.

The setbacks lasted two years, and with each passing day, the weight of uncertainty grew heavier on my shoulders. I started to see anxiety grow and the feeling of being lost, not knowing what to do next, was horrible.

It was in one of my darkest moments, through reflection and tears, that I found my answer. I realized the meaning of all the experiences I’ve been through.

The reason I’ve gone through all of these was because my purpose is to support others in discovering their purpose in life. With a deep belief that something better was waiting for me, I decided to quit the startup.

🌟From Darkness to Purpose

🧙‍♂️Leadership and a Lifelong Journey

All of this led me to study at the Academy for Coaching Excellence to develop my skillset and fulfill my purpose of supporting others in discovering their purposes and living life guided by meaning and contribution.

Today, I not only support people as a Life Coach, but I’ve also taken on the responsibility of helping to sustain my family business as a board member, embracing the challenges and opportunities this role brings.

This way, I get the opportunity to help lead and guide an entire organization of around 100 dedicated individuals with a clear sense of purpose, while also sharing valuable experiences with other purposeful leaders that I coach.

✨Your Next Steps!

I’m here to connect with you and to offer my support as you navigate the uncertainties of life. If my story resonates with you and you’re seeking a transformation from Lost to Leader in your journey, I invite you to get in touch.

Let’s explore your path together, bring clarity to what are your gifts and contributions to this world, and uncover the purpose and passion that emerges from living a fulfilling life.