From Lost to Leader

Coaching for young adults who seek to find their purpose, gifts and contribution in life.


Hi, I am Jonathan!
In my early 20s, I struggled a lot with the feeling of being "lost". I knew there was a purpose for me in this life and something special I was here to do. However, I just kept hearing, "You'll figure it out one day." But what if I didn’t want to wait until I was 40 to find my path here?

This isn't just my story. Many young adults feel the same, and you are not alone. There's plenty of advice on joining a good university, but what after that? You may be faced with high expectations from family and friends, and challenged with some kind of pressure to find your calling and to be a high performer in your life.

That's exactly the point I am thrilled to support people with! I believe that everyone has a unique purpose and gifts to share with the world. I help you to see clearly who you really are, what contribution you are here to make, and learn the skillset to be able to bring those goals and intentions into reality.

Say 'yes' to your life's unfolding story

Coaching With Jonathan

What I offer might be a good fit for you if you are a young adult - often from 19 to 29 - who comes from a generational wealth background* and you are seeking a transformation in the way you experience your life, career, and relationship with money.

Usually, people start working with me when they are facing some of the following challenges:

* For the purpose of my work, I define generational wealth as a stable financial background of both support and responsibilities that a person inherits.


You might be feeling lost about who you truly are and what your purpose in this life is. Let’s create clarity for your next steps.


You have goals and dreams you would love to achieve. And you might be having a difficult time taking action to reach it.


You are a purpose-driven leader who is passionate about your work. Yet, you seek support to perform at your natural best with ease.

Ready to Take Action?

Let’s schedule a free Discovery Session, where we will chat to see if what I offer is the support you are looking for at this point in your life.
Feel free to reach me for any additional questions you might have.


My coaching work is rooted in ontology, the study of being. Ontology looks at what it is to be human:
The values we live by, the heroic journey we are each here to take, and, ultimately, the gift to others we want to be known for.

Timeless Principles: It is based on principles found across spiritual and secular traditions, from wisdom teachings to recent studies in neuroscience.

Daily Practices: My approach teaches you how to create lasting shifts in the way you see and do things - long after a moment of insight appears.

Compassionate Support: Respects the wholeness and dignity of all beings, and affirms our capacity to move beyond obstacles and limitations.

Practical Tools: My approach uses simple yet powerful tools for living your values, realizing your vision, and empowering others.

Why Coaching?

“Coaching takes you beyond the point where you would stop yourself with your dreams.”

When you are going for something new or important, your brain looks for danger. Buddhists call this "Monkey Mind", this aspect of our mind that is always chattering between doubts and worries.

Coaching helps you to train your brain, so that you can realize your intentions through actions that bring harmony, fulfillment and satisfaction.

“Enjoy what you do consistently.”
Often, we “do a lot”, but we get tired and exhausted by the end of the day.
Coaching helps us to take actions with clarity, focus, ease and grace - instead of anxiety and struggle.

How is coaching distinct?

  • Therapy is about healing the past; coaching is about taking action.

  • Consulting offers expert advice; coaching draws forth your own knowledge.

  • Mentoring offers wisdom from experience; coaching flows from your inner wisdom.

  • Training fulfills set learning objectives; coaching clarifies your own objectives.

🌟What You'll Experience:

  • Personalized Sessions: Engage in transformative 1-hour online sessions via Zoom, tailored to your unique journey.

  • Practical Tools for Everyday Growth: Receive tools and practices designed to integrate seamlessly into your daily life, helping you to apply and reinforce your learnings consistently.

  • Ongoing Support: Benefit from unlimited email and text support between sessions, ensuring you have the guidance and encouragement you need, whenever you need it.

✈️Your Coaching Journey:

  • Frequency: Embark on a journey of growth with 2 sessions each month.

  • Duration: Choose a commitment period that suits your goals, ranging from 3 to 6 months, allowing for ample time to experience significant personal and professional transformation.

💳 Investment in Yourself:

  • Sliding Scale Pricing: Please select the tier that represents a stretch but not a hardship for you. I trust the choice you make, so I will never question your financial situation.

    1. $400/month - For those who are financially comfortable.

    2. $300/month - For those managing financial sustainability.

    3. $200/month - For those finding financial commitments stretching.

    4. Special Consideration - If these rates are beyond your current means, let's have a conversation. I'm committed to making coaching accessible.

Let's Begin Your Transformation: Your journey to growth, self-discovery, and empowerment is just a conversation away. Choose the path that aligns with your financial situation, and let's embark on this journey together.